How and Why I Decided to Join Datadog as a Product Design Intern

dog emoji on a light brown background

In about a week, Iā€™ll start working at Datadog as a product design intern. FYI Iā€™m VERY excited to start šŸ˜­

In this article, I want to share how and why I decided to go.


Now, I am fully aware of how difficult it is to land an internship or job in the current market. So, if you find this article offensive, I understand and apologize in advance.

I just want to share the framework I used to decide on and document my design journey.

How I decided

For context, I got into both Datadog and LinkedIn as a product design intern for 2023 summer.

I know - this is an extremely good problem to have. I had a really hard time trying to decide which place to go.

On one side:

Who the hell doesnā€™t go to LinkedIn if they get in? Are you crazy? Itā€™s LINKEDIN!!!

On the other side:

But damnā€¦ Iā€™m starting to get very interested in what Datadog is doingā€¦ Technical product design sounds like a great new challenge...

As you can imagine, I had a lot of those internal dialogues. And they werenā€™t going anywhere.

Thus, I came across the video below created by Chloe Shih - a PM at Discord.

In the video, she used a decision matrix framework, and it was the perfect solution for me. Let me break down what I did (my decision matrix).

decision matrix framework where I compared linkedin and datadog
My decision matrix

Step 1 - List out categories in a table column

Categories are things you care about a company. Here are some examples:

  • Personal growth
  • Design maturity
  • Mentorship
  • Project scope & impact

For this step, delve deep into your values and ask yourself

What do I truly care about in a company?

Step 2 - Write down weights for each category

Then, after you wrote down all categories, create a new left column and assign weights for each of them.

The weight is a number that reflects how much you care about the category.

The range is up to you. What I used was a scale from 1 - 10. 1 means not important at all, and 10 means extremely important.

Be honest. I put ā€œcompany clout" as a 9. Oops.

Step 3 - Add your options

Now, add each of your options as its own column. This one should be very straightforward.

Step 4 - Rate each of the options

This is arguably the most important part. Now you need to rate each of the options based on the categories out of 10.

Step 5 - Multiply & add up the points

Multiply the score you gave by the weight of the category. Then, add up all the points to get the final score.

Step 6 - Compare & reflect

Finally, compare the final scores and see which one is higher. Oftentimes, you may get surprised by the result (I did).

Why I decided to go to Datadog

In the end, Datadogā€™s final score was higher than LinkedInā€™s. In short, I would say these are the top reasons:

Project scope & impact

Generally, at a big company, an internā€™s project scope can be very, very small. Itā€™s just hard to avoid.

With LinkedIn, the application process was extremely smooth. And I enjoyed the conversations with the designer & design managers.

But, I felt like the project scope is way too small and not the most exciting. Regardless, a big shout-out to Nair for taking the time to chat with me about her team & intern expectations!

On the other hand, last yearā€™s design intern at Datadog shipped her project. And my hiring manager stressed that each team will give interns the ability to ship something.

See the difference?
white datadog logo on a purple gradient background
Check out last year's intern project here


The second deciding factor was

How interested am I in the team & their work?

For me, thatā€™s a no-brainer: Datadog.


Itā€™s interesting because I never thought I'll design technical B2B products. But, after talking to Becky from last year and learning more about Datadog, I became super interested. Not to mention I got hooked by a fascinating presentation titled ā€œTechnical Product Design.ā€ Shout out to Billy for sending me this.

slide title of technical product design

Also, I came across these two wonderful articles written by Vanessa Ng - Sr Product Designer at Segment.

  1. Why I joined Segment as a new grad designer
  2. More than a year on:Ā Designing at Segment
screenshot of segment's company website
This looks SO COOL šŸ˜­|Ā Source

In short, I became super interested in designing technical products and saw it as a new challenge. So, that was a quick decision for me.

Similar scores across the board

The last deciding factor wasnā€™t on a single category. It was because, for all the other categories, both Datadog and LinkedIn had similar scores.

Thus, I decided on Datadog.


Passing on LinkedIn for me was extremely hard.

I spend a decent amount of time on the platform (trying to reduce it a ton). And itā€™s big tech. It has dat clout. Itā€™s shiny. It has a great office. It hasā€¦

But, ultimately those did not matter because they didnā€™t align with what I truly wanted.

At this stage, I value

  1. Passion - Do I feel genuinely excited about the work? Or am I just working to pass the day?
  2. Growth - Am I growing as a designer? Am I pushing myself?
  3. Impact - Am I actually making an impact? Or am I just doing cookie-cutter, boring small tasks?

And now, Iā€™m super SUPER excited to get started at Datadog! I will be working on the Logs & Observability team under Roz! This team was my top choice since it aligns with my intention of designing technical products!

screenshot of the log explorer on datadog
Seriously - wth is this?Ā šŸ˜‚ I guess I'll find out... |Ā Source


If, in the future, you face a situation where you have to decide between options, I hope this article can help you.

Iā€™m extremely grateful for people sharing their frameworks & advice online. And I want to do the same.

As the internship goes on, I will be posting articles on my experience working at Datadog!

And thatā€™s a wrap!

Thank you for being awesome and reading this far! :)

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn, Twitter, or by email. Will love to set up a casual call and chat!


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