What I Will Learn in 2023

a penguin on a light purple background

With a new year comes new goals.

In this article, I want to write out key areas I will learn as a designer.

New technologies

One of the most exciting things about being a designer is that I can never stop learning.

But, to be honest, I’m not proactive in trying out new technologies. Like I’ll learn and read about them, but I never actually use them.

Maybe it’s because I don’t know what to expect. Maybe it’s because it’s busy. Maybe it’s because I’m scared. Maybe…


In 2023, I want to actively learn and use new technology. I want to understand how they’ll impact my life as a designer.

So, here are some of the tech I want to explore:

  • Chat GPT
  • Mid journey
  • Virtual reality
  • Augmented reality
  • Artificial Intelligence

Specifically for virtual reality, I’m applying for the “Immersive Media and Mixed Reality” study abroad program at UAL for the fall! Fingers crossed 🤞

Note: I did not include web3 because I’m still skeptical of it. But maybe I’ll get into it somehow.


In my previous article “Who Are My Design Heroes?” I noted most of my “design heroes” are design engineers.

Thus, in 2023, I will improve my web development skills with accessibility in mind.

thumbnail for the video of learn to code roadmap for beginner
Great intro video | Source

I plan to do this in a few ways

  1. Review “What is Web Accessibility?” course by Google
  2. Learn semantic HTML & CSS through online courses (E.g. YouTube / Scrimba - recommended by Matthew Espinoza)
  3. Build a side project & write

Right now for a side project, one I’m very interested in is one called “work cafes.” Will maybe share more in the future through dev logs or posts!

3D modeling

I’m a huge fan of 3D work. Like obsessed.

collage of soft, clay like 3D model artworks
Like seriously - look at these beauty 😭

Some of my favorite artists include:

  • Peter Tarka - OG 3D artist. His work sets an incredibly high bar for 3D modeling work.
  • Mattey - Incredible 3D artist. I’m obsessed with his Mekaverse work.
  • Nigel Goh - Game artist at Supercell. I love how game-focused his art is. Seems like every artwork can be a beautiful game.
  • Farah Falala - Freelance 3D artist based in Finland. Love her clay-like models

As you can tell, my favorite 3D style is clay-like and soft. Thus, I will learn 3D modeling to create my favorite style.

In the future, I may learn three.js or web frameworks to add interactive 3D models to my websites.

And that’s a wrap!

Thank you for being awesome and reading this far! :)

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn, Twitter, or by email. Will love to set up a casual call and chat!

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